• Plug and play

  • No false advertising

  • Alerts first responders

  • Portable sensor activated pad

Baby in Seat
Baby in Seat
Baby in Seat
Baby in Seat
Baby in Seat
Baby in Seat
Baby in Seat
Baby in Seat
Baby in Seat
Baby in Seat


What makes our sign different from all the others?

Well this is where the game changer comes into play. We have introduced an occupancy sensor (OCS) that is fitted inside a cushion pad and placed on the baby seat which is connected to the L.E.D screen on the back window. Once the sensor is triggered by the baby being placed in the seat, it then sends a signal and the ‘BABY IN SEAT’ sign is activated, alerting surrounding drivers that there is IN FACT a child in the baby seat.


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  • Alisa

  • Bianca

  • Jade

  • Robyn

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