Why was ‘BABY IN SEAT’ created?

In 2019 my wife gave birth to our firstborn son and life as we know it, changed forever. Parenting comes with many blessings, but we all know that there are many challenges also. When the special moment came for us to take our baby boy home, we buckled him into the seat and we were off. By then, feelings of excitement and joy were dwelling within us. As I started driving and reality kicked in, I very quickly began to feel nervous. We realised the roads were still fast paced and no one was going to drive any different just because we had a new baby…oh my! Whilst driving home, all I could think about was how much I wished that people around us knew that there was a baby in our car. Our newest and biggest blessing was now sitting in that baby seat.

As I was about to make a right turn on a busy four lane road, I felt like I was a sitting duck in the middle lane, waiting for the right opening. Prior to my son's birth, I would have turned earlier when driving, but with my baby now in the car, I took a little bit longer to turn and perhaps bothered the drivers behind me. At this exact moment I thought to myself ‘if only they knew why I was being so cautious’. That’s when I decided it was time that something needed to be done to ensure the safety of not just my children, but all children, and potentially the lives of many others on the road.

Baby in Seat
Baby in Seat
Baby in Seat
Baby in Seat
Baby in Seat
Baby in Seat
Baby in Seat
Baby in Seat
Baby in Seat
Baby in Seat
Baby in Seat
Baby in Seat
Baby in Seat
Baby in Seat
Baby in Seat